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Bound in Ashes Page 11

  When Ker told her to dressy comfy, she had no idea what he had going through his head. He told her he’d spent the morning making plans while she was with the women feeding babies. Now, she knew where he was off to during that time.

  She wondered if he did that much—staying away from dealing with the children. Would he change dripping-green-shit diapers or feed puking babies? Would he be a good father overall? She had to think about these things if she were to get serious with Ker. This was want she wanted for her life. Her childhood may have been terrible, but the rest of her life would be from her choosing.

  The car came to a stop in front of a fancy clothing store. It looked very high-end. The kind of place she normally walked right on by. A schoolteacher’s salary didn’t allow for frivolous things like expensive clothes and jewelry, purses and shoes.

  The driver opened her door and she stepped out, wondering what she was supposed to do. Ker said he’d meet her at the restaurant where he had reservations. From inside the store, a saleslady came out and gave her a big hug.

  “You must be Tiana. You look a little lost,” the lady said. She wore a costly dress and fancy shoes from the store. She looked the part. “I’m Sandi. Come inside, we’ve been waiting for you.”

  That surprised her. “You have?”

  “Why, yes,” the woman replied. “When Ker called this morning to tell us you were coming, we were thrilled. He is one of the sweetest men I’ve ever met.”

  A ting of jealousy hit her heart. Dammit, she hated that. She wasn’t that type of person. “How do you know Ker?” Tiana asked.

  “I’m from the first class that graduated from his school. He found me in the orphanage and took me there. After that, he loaned me money to start my store. I owe him so much.”

  “You own this store?” Tiana coughed and slapped her chest. She was standing with the head honcho. She never thought about it, but someone had to own all the Macy’s and Saks. And the woman was helping her—a nobody, a pee on.

  “Are you ready to get started?” Sandi quizzed. “We only have a couple hours.”

  “Only a couple hours?” Tiana sputtered. “What are we doing?”

  Sandi laid a hand on her arm. “Everything.”

  Twenty minutes later, Tiana stood in front of the dressing room’s tri-fold mirror, wearing the most expensive dress she’d ever touched. But she loved it. Would sell her soul for it, probably. Silky layers of blue draped to the floor, laying smoothly over her body, accenting her good parts.

  “You look stunning, dear,” Sandi gushed. “That color is definitely you.”

  “I agree,” she said breathless.

  “Don’t move,” Sandi instructed. No problem for her. She’d stand and stare at the gorgeous dress all day. The owner hurried back with a pair of shoes that matched perfectly and were only three-inches high. She could walk in those. Much more than that and it became a free-for-all.

  She slipped them on. The woman was amazing. She knew all her sizes without asking. Sandi rushed away with the same instructions not to go anywhere. By the time it was all said and done, Tiana modeled the dress, matching shoes, coordinating shawl, earrings, necklace, anklet, handbag, and sexy lingerie underneath.

  She felt like a princess and her eyes started to tear. Sandi frowned. “What’s wrong, dear? What do you not like?”

  “No, I love everything. It’s just—nobody has ever done something like this for me. I work hard for the money I earn and I’ve never had the opportunity to be in stuff so nice. I’m used to old T-shirts and cut off jean shorts.

  Sandi gave her a hug. “I know exactly what you mean. When I was in the orphanage, none of the kids had very much. Ker gives out money as easily as he gives his heart.”

  Tiana nodded. If she spoke, she’d turn into a blubbering mess.

  “Now, take off everything,” Sandi said, peeling the material draped over Tiana’s shoulders. Was she joking? She had to give it all back? What was going on. When she was dressed in the clothes she walked in with, Sandi took her hand and led her through the store to the center displays.

  “Sit here,” the woman told her, “and Angie will do your makeup.” Tiana blushed, embarrassed with herself for thinking the worst about the setup. But in her life, that was mostly what she got. Maybe her luck was changing.

  When her face was done, Sandi took her next door to a hair salon. They had it all here. Two hours from the time she got out of the car, she was back in, feeling like a brand-new person, someone who was loved and wanted. She made her mind up there and then. Ker was the man for her. His heart was big enough to hold her, all the children at the school, and a family. She chose him, forever.

  The car stopped in front of a restaurant that she would’ve never gone to on her own. But dressed how she was, looking as fine as she did, she was ready for this. She hoped Ker liked everything as much as Sandi had.

  The driver held the building’s front door for her and she was immediately greeted by the blond hostess. “You must be with Ker,” she said. “You’re even more beautiful than he described.” Tiana’s face heated. Ker would never stop surprising her.

  The blonde led Tiana to a balcony table overlooking the river. Ker hadn’t arrived yet, so she sat to watch the peaceful water. Ships floated and zipped past, each on their way to wherever. The soft music in the background caught her attention. Fur Elise, Beethoven.

  She smiled and thought back to her conversation with Ker about the time he studied with the infamous composer. Beethoven wrote this song for the only person he loved, the one he wanted to share his life with until the day he died. She sighed at the romantic gesture. She was such a softie.

  The music changed to a modern-day tune. She recognized it from the radio. The lyrics spoke of everlasting love, and destinies pre-ordained to be together. It’d make a beautiful wedding song. As the piano player came to the first stanza, she was ready to quietly sing along.

  Then the most amazing voice she’d ever heard filled her ears, penetrated her body. Deep timbre and clearly pitched notes sent chills through her. She turned in her seat to find the musician. In the far corner on a piano bench, her Ker locked eyes with her. He sang to her, only her, his enduring love and devotion. That was it. If she had any doubts before, now, she was completely in, hook—line—sinker.

  He slid from the bench, another man taking his spot to keep the song playing. He walked toward her. His words came from his heart, even though written by some songwriter in LA.

  It was just her and him in the restaurant. Everyone else disappeared. He was gorgeous in his suit. She was sure every female had her eyes on him, but she didn’t care. He belonged to her and she would never doubt his loyalty.

  He stepped onto the balcony, bringing the doors closed behind him as his voice whispered out the last words of the love song. He took her hand and helped her stand then twirled her around.

  “You are truly stunning. The most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” he said full of amazement. He pulled her close, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Was Sandi helpful?”

  “She was fantastic. I can’t thank you enough for all this—”

  He dipped down for a kiss, soft and domineering. “Don’t worry. I have planned out how you’re going to show me your thanks.” The twinkle in his eye and dip in his voice sent hot horny toads straight to her pussy. Oh god. She couldn’t wait.


  Back at the cabin after an amazing dinner, Ker squatted in front of the fireplace poking at the kindling and paper as it caught light, its weak flame spreading with a gentle glow.

  “You could’ve just lit it with your own fire, silly. I mean, you are a dragon.” Tiana gave him a teasing grin as she plopped four pillows onto the soft rug in front of the hearth.

  He glanced at her across his shoulder a smirk on his lips. “You’re right, I could, but then again I could also have scorched the fireplace to the point the bricks collapsed. Not the romantic scenario I’m hoping for tonight.”

  Ker fed the fire,
stacking on a few extra logs before sitting back against one of the pillows and the couch. His eyes took in Tiana’s face in the firelight. The way her dark skin gleamed. Luminous was the only word that worked. The flickering light cast reddish highlights in her long, dark hair and when she met his eyes and smiled, his gut clenched.

  She was utterly beautiful, inside and out, and his dragon roared with the need to take her, claim her, make her his forever, but there were rules about that. Ever since they met, he knew she wanted him as well, but her scent was always ribboned with indecision. Her virginity made it impossible for him to just take what he wanted, regardless of how badly he wanted.

  Inhaling, the scent of smoke and embers filled his nose and his dragon sighed inside, but there was something different about Tiana tonight. She was still as tender and soft, a strong woman wrapped in a fragile wall she built to protect herself from the pain of her past—but tonight she seemed, content. Maybe content was too hopeful a word. Comfortable. He nodded to himself. Yes, even her scent held an ease he hadn’t sensed before.

  “You were amazing with those kids the other day at the school, Ker. I’m bowled over. You have no idea,” Tiana said, taking the glass of wine he held out to her.

  He exhaled a sigh. “I do what I can. I only wish I could do more.”

  She shook her head. “What you do for them…you can’t know what it means to a kid who has nothing. Has no one. It’s not the things you buy or the little extras you provide. It’s just knowing someone gives a damn enough to want to help. That someone cares.” She dropped her gaze to her hands.

  Ker reached out and took the wine glass from her fingers. “I do care, Tiana. More than you know. More than I ever expected.”

  She looked up and met his eyes. “Are we still talking about the kids?”

  His lips slipped into a half smile. “No, I guess not.” Reaching out, he wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her toward his chest. His fingers glided up her back, over the silk of her dress to the nape of her neck as his mouth slanted over hers.

  Breath mingled, his mouth took hers, hungry. His dragon hissed inside and the sound in his head was a yessssss, urging him deeper, to take more.

  Squashing the urge, he broke their kiss and tried to pull back, but Tiana stopped him, holding his arm before he could scoot back against the pillows.

  “Tiana—” he shook his head.

  “I want this, Ker. To be honest I’ve wanted it since the moment I first saw you. It was my own fear that stopped me.”

  “Fear?” he questioned. “Of me?”

  She shook her head again. “No, of myself. My own insecurities. I know that sounds stupid coming from me. I’m very good at hiding myself, and nothing and no one gets to me.” A tired chuckle shook her shoulders. “More like self-preservation.”

  “It doesn’t sound stupid. It sounds like something you had to learn to protect yourself, but you’ve got to know I would never force you to do something you weren’t ready for. I won’t hurt you, Tiana.”

  There it was in a nutshell. The reason this man invaded her thoughts every other second. He was everything she ever dreamed she wanted, and the fact he was a hotter than hell shifter was the cherry on top. So what was she waiting for? If he was the cherry on top of her dreams, then let the man pop her cherry once and for all.

  She smirked at her own pun and Ker raised an eyebrow. “What?” she asked.

  “That look. It’s almost devious.”

  Tiana’s smirk spread into a small smile and she leaned into to kiss him, but he held her off.

  “Tiana, my dragon won’t take much more, and this make out session is heading into hot and heavy—”

  She put a finger over his lips. “Hot and heavy is exactly what I want. You’re a dragon, so hot is your thing. I want you to show me exactly how hot things can get.”

  With a low growl, he crushed his mouth to hers, this time taking everything. His tongue plundered the wet cavern, demanding, as his hands moved to her shoulders.

  “I want to see you, Tiana. All of you,” he murmured above her lips. His fingers untied her dress from behind her neck and pushed the slippery fabric over her arms. The material puddled to her stomach, leaving her breasts bare.

  Gliding his hands over her waist, he pulled her to her knees so she faced him. He cupped the full mounds, his mouth taking hers again as his thumbs circled each nipple.

  Her flesh hardened beneath his rough pads, and she groaned against his lips as he teased the stiff peaks with his hands.

  “I’ve dreamed about the way you would taste, Tiana. Your scent told me your juice was sweet, but now I want to know.”

  His tongue trailed over her neck to her collarbone and down to her breasts. He sucked one hard bud between his lips as he pushed her dress past her hips and down her thighs to the floor.

  “You asked how hot this can be. Then lay back and I’ll show you.” Ker helped her ease onto the pillows, sliding her dress the rest of the way off her feet.

  “You still have too many clothes on.” he smirked, taking hold of her panties and rolling them down over her ankles.

  He tossed them along with her dress onto the couch. “Your juice is glistening on your thighs, Tiana. Slick and waiting.”

  Ker unbuttoned his shirt and peeled it from his broad shoulders before moving to climb between her knees, but Tiana lifted one leg, pushing her foot into his hard chest. He stopped, confused for a moment.

  “Now, it’s you who still has too many clothes on,” she said with a smirk.

  He met her grin with one of his own and knelt up, his eyes dark as they held her gaze. Slowly his unbuttoned the top of his pants, slowly unzipping the zipper. He pushed his pants over his hips letting his long, thick member jut out as it loosed from behind the confining fabric.

  Tiana’s eyes widened and she licked her lips. “Holy shit! That is so much bigger than I imagined! Are you sure you’re going to fit?”

  Ker laughed, pushing his pants the rest of the way off. “If I get you hot and wet enough,” he murmured as he tossed his pants aside and then moved between her knees. “Wanna see how?”

  He pushed her legs wide and dipped his head to her pussy, licking her seamed lips, spreading them with his tongue. He delved inside her cleft, curling the tip before dragging upward over her folds to her clit.

  “So wet—” he murmured the sound a cross between a rumble and a purr. “And you’re as sweet as your scent promised.”

  Ker slid his fingers into her slit, one at a time, careful to let Tiana adjust to the alien feel. Her barrier was there, tempting him, setting his dragon to thrash deep with the need to thrust through and take her as his own.

  He tamped down on the urge, taking it slow. One finger, then the next, his mouth working her clit until she moaned and raised her hips to meet the soft thrust of his fingers.

  Back arched, she bucked against his hand and her walls spasmed against his fingers, her body clenching tightly. When she relaxed, he lifted his face and her eyes met his, almost shocked. She opened her mouth to say something, but he got to his knees and leaned down, kissing her silent.

  “I’m not done with you yet,” he murmured, pressing the tip of his cock against her slippery entrance. “By the time I’m finished, you won’t be able to walk.”

  Pulling his hips back, he pushed his swollen head through her slick folds, but Tiana gasped as his thick member reached her inner barrier.

  He stopped, holding still as his eyes held hers. Arousal made their blue depths dark, but a flicker of uncertainty pushed its way through her need.

  Ker pulled out from her and Tiana moved to protest, but he laid a finger over her lips. “Patience.”

  He grabbed the fullest pillow from the floor beside them and lifted her hips, shoving the cushion under her ass. Licking his hand, he spread her juice, slipping his fingers through again.

  “Relax, Tiana. I promise, you’ll see stars and not in a bad way.” Sliding his hand from her pussy, he licked the slick wetness
from each finger, letting her watch the ultra-sexy move.

  Instinctively, she sucked in a breath, letting her knees fall open. With his gaze still on her, he moved between her thighs and pressed his cock to her cleft again.

  Inch by inch, he moved, taking her deeper and deeper. His thumb circled her clit, working her in time with each, slow torturous move, and when she gasped, raising her hips for more, he thrust.

  Her barrier gave way and he held her hips, letting her body adjust. She sucked in a single breath through her teeth, but then groaned, her eyes on him.

  “Is that all of you?” she asked, her breath hitching as she held still.

  He shook his head. “Not even close.”

  Tiana licked her lips. “I want all of you. Every bit. I want to feel you inside, full and deep. Fill me, Ker. I want to be yours!”

  With a growl, he drove his cock as far as he could, and stretching her wide and full. Tiana cried out, her body tight as she came again. Drenched, her pussy took his hard length even deeper.

  He rode her hard, and her body met his thrust for thrust until his head swelled deep inside ready to burst.

  Ker tensed holding still, his fingers gripping the sides of her thighs. Her eyes met his, and his lips parted. “Tiana, what you said…”

  “How I want to be yours?” she replied.

  He nodded, his teeth clenched as he held back. “Do you know that that means? To be mine?”

  Her gaze never wavered and she nodded as well. “I do. Claim me, Ker. Do it. Don’t wait. I want you. Show me you want me.”

  With a snarl he pulled back, driving his cock as far as her body would take. Hot spurts jetted from his member, filling her, as heat skittered across his body.

  Another climax took her, both of them shaking as Ker’s seed bonded them body and soul.


  Ker woke with a warm body in his arms. He breathed in and smelled his incredible mate. Official mate, now. Bites and all. Then that voice in his head reminded him his “mate” didn’t have the dragon’s mark. He went over every inch of skin on her body. No sign. She wasn’t the true woman for him.