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In the Roar Page 2

  She nodded. “More than anything.” She wouldn’t go into being raised by her grandmother and treated like she didn’t belong in the family. No. This wasn’t the time for those conversations.

  “What if I told you I can set you up with a shifter who wants a woman who wants babies too.”

  Oh, that was a low blow. Children were her weakness. Growing up feeling unloved left her wanting someone to love unconditionally.

  “Really?” she couldn’t help but ask, her fingers circling the edges of the business card.

  A knowing grin spread over Gerri’s lips. “One date, Liv. That’s all I ask.”

  She swallowed the knot in her throat. “If it doesn’t work--”

  “Then I will back off and even help you find the best place to get artificially inseminated.” Gerri patted the hand she’d placed on the business card. “But wouldn’t you rather make a baby the old fashioned way?”

  “Hell, yes!” She laughed. “Especially if he’s good at it.”

  “Good is not the word, darling.”

  She raised her brows high. “If you get me a man who can make my knees buckle, I will skinny dip in the local pond.”

  Gerri shook her head. “Don’t make promises you will hate keeping later.”

  “I’ve yet to meet a man who can get me all the way there.”

  Gerri frowned, a horrified look taking over her face. “Oh, child, please tell me you don’t mean an orgasm.”

  She giggled at the fact it was so sad that men couldn’t do that for her. Everyone must have better luck with sex than she did if she went by Gerri’s reaction. “Don’t feel bad. I can give them to myself, but sex is just not…it’s not been good to me. I think I am not relaxed enough, so it doesn’t happen.”

  “So what do you do?” Gerri blinked. “You don’t…do you fake them?”

  She bit her lip, her brows wrinkling and she nodded. “What else could I do? Not like I can get up and walk away and be all ‘hey you didn’t get me to come so I’m out of here.’”

  “That’s a damn shame. Don’t worry.” Gerri’s voice lowered. “The man I have for you… He’s out of this world.”

  Wow. Something about the way she said it made her skin tingle and her blood heat. Could Gerri succeed where others had failed? She sure as heck hoped so. Now to deal with the date she already had that night. That was a difficult one. Thankfully, they were going to a bar near her building. Liquor would either solve or create more problems.


  Liv readied herself for the date as she stepped out of the elevator and bumped into a man.

  “I’m sorry,” she said as she was grabbed by a pair of hands before she fell on her ass. She glanced up, and up, to his heart-stopping face. What the fuck?

  “Liv?” Gerri said with surprise. “You live here?”

  Liv had a hard time detaching her tongue from the roof of her mouth. The man she’d bumped into was walking with Gerri. He was big. Really fucking big. With all kinds of delightful muscles shifting when he let go of her.

  “Ah, yeah. I live here,” she said to Gerri, her gaze stuck on the man. His hazel eyes studied her with open appreciation. Her cheeks warmed and her breaths came faster the longer he looked at her.

  “Going out?” Gerri inquired with a curious smile.

  “Across the street for another…” She bit her lip and watched the big guy’s arms flex. Oh, my. “Another, uh, gathering.” She sighed, not wanting to say she was going on a date. She didn’t want to say those words when such a mesmerizing male specimen stood in front of her. So close she could touch him.

  “Come on, Karel.” Gerri tugged on the big guy’s shirt. “Have fun, Liv.”

  She nodded. Karel, the big guy, continued staring at her for a moment before stepping into the open elevator then watching her the entire time the doors closed.

  Her cell phone buzzed. It was her date. He was at the bar and waiting. Let the good times roll.

  * * *

  Liv glared at her date, Gerard, for the millionth time. He’d gotten it in his head that she was playing games.

  “When I said I’m not into being tied up and hit with a paddle, I meant that,” she snapped.

  Instead of realizing her tone and look meant business, the idiot grinned and winked. “Sure you’re not.”

  She almost slapped a hand to her forehead. There really were people this stupid in the world. She picked up her drink and glanced around the bar. Since it was right across from her building, she felt comfortable having a few and crossing the street to go home. No need for anyone to drive her anywhere.

  She sipped the last of her drink and noticed heads turning toward a corner. Two women sat in front of her table, so she couldn’t make out what was going on. Music played and people talked through the noise.

  She hadn’t bothered to come to this bar in years since Monica got married and had her kids. It wasn’t the same without someone to have fun with. Most of the time she stayed home. When she did go out, it was usually with her neighbor Cassie who was traveling on business that week.

  A couple waitresses stopped close to her chair. “Did you see him?” Her question was directed at the other server about to take a tray from her. “Not yet. I’ll check him out now.”

  “He’s fucking gorgeous. Big and muscular. I think he’s some kind of movie actor or something. The eyes on him are beautiful. They glow this gorgeous gold that made me stand there like an idiot for a while.”

  That description sounded way too much like Karel. She scoped the bar, searching to see if he was there. Her attention rushed to the corner that had been blocked before. Sure enough, there he sat, a drink in one hand and his gaze firmly set on her.

  “Do you want to go somewhere less crowded?” Gerard asked, intent clear in his eyes.

  Not tonight, buddy. “No. I’m good here,” she lied. She’d been dying to go home before, but now that she saw Karel, her attention had been drawn to his table. “I need to go to the ladies room. I’ll be right back.”


  Karel watched her go. The one who belonged to him. Gerri had said human women didn’t appreciate being spoken about that way, but he couldn’t help it. She. Was. His. Not a single doubt existed in his mind that Liv was the one. He traveled from Aurora on an urgent mission and the first woman he met was his mate.


  She glanced at him, her gaze curious and puzzled. She entered a ladies restroom, her wide hips swinging in a primal calling that made his beast growl. The man she’d been sitting with ordered more drinks. Karel clenched his jaw. He hated that she was sitting with someone else, giving her company to another when he was low on time and wanted to meet her. She should be with him, letting him get to know her, giving him her time.

  “Can I get you anything, handsome?” a waitress asked, pulling his attention from the man to her. She leaned forward, the neckline of her shirt pressing tightly against her tits, pushing them up to display more. “If you’re feeling lonely,” she said softly, placing a hand over his on the table, “I get off at eleven.”

  The scent of desperation and lust clung to the waitress. He’d done enough language and custom analysis of earth people to know how they worked, especially in North America. From what he deduced of the waitress, she wanted sex and he wasn’t interested.

  “I’m fine, thanks,” he grumbled. Besides, if he wanted female company, the only one he wanted in his bed was Liv.

  The waitress pouted and shifted from foot to foot. Her heels had to hurt. He didn’t understand how women wore anything that looked like a torture device. With her movement, he got a glance of the man with his Liv.

  From his seat, the man appeared to drop something into Liv’s drink. He glanced around as if to make sure nobody caught him. That told Karel whatever he put in her glass wasn’t good. It was a few minutes before his beautiful woman came out of the ladies room, her fingers pushing long shiny strands of hair over her shoulder.

  Her lush figure became a beacon to his eyes. Kare
l couldn’t look away from her. Her hips swayed with every step. Her short dress flattered her waist and ass. The cold glass in his hand slickened from the heat of his palm.

  She stood by the man. He grasped her hand. A slow, angry growl started at the center of Karel’s chest, working its way to his mouth. Liv tugged her hand from the man’s grasp, sighing and taking a seat. He pushed the drink toward her.

  A new waitress stopped in front of Karel, blocking his view of what was happening with Liv and the man.

  “This is on the house,” the young woman said with a wink, her voice throaty and soft. “I hope you like them.”

  She placed a basket of meat in front of him. She’d called it chicken wings. He’d yet to eat, so he was hungry, but at the moment, all he wanted was her to move out of his fucking way to see Liv and the man.

  “Thank you,” he rumbled.

  She stood for a moment, not saying anything but staring at him. “If you need anything,” she whispered. “Anything at all…”

  He nodded. “I’m fine.”

  She took her time moving to the next table, her gaze lingering on him.

  Karel’s vision landed on the Liv’s table. It was empty. Alarm spread through his system like a shot of tequila. He stood, tossing paper bills he’d gotten from Gerri onto the table.

  A hazy red hue covered his vision. His anger came out of nowhere, clawing at his chest, and pushing the animal inside forward.

  Where did they go? Marching through the crowded bar, he tried to sidestep patrons laughing and having a good time. He wasn’t a fan of loud noises and powerful perfumes, but he wanted more time looking at his mate. His Liv.

  When he got outside, he saw her jerking out of the guy’s grasp in the quiet street, not another soul in sight.

  “Let me go this instant, Gerard!” she snapped, her body tense and eyes spitting fire. “I swear to god, I will make you sorry if you don’t.”

  “What will you do?” the guy she called Gerard asked. “All I want is a goodnight kiss.”

  “And I said no.” She yanked out of his hold, stumbling backward, her heel catching in a crack in the parking lot. She fell against the car at her back.

  Gerard laughed, looming over her. He was much bigger than Liv, making it easier for him to intimidate her. “Looks like I’m getting my kiss after all.” He approached her fast, caging her with his body.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” she growled, her hands pushing at the big man. She tried kneeing him in the groin, but Gerard defended quickly, stopping her move. “Nuh uh,” he warned. “That’s not a nice way to end the night.”

  “You fucking idiot,” she hissed, but the sound of fear in her voice tore through Karel’s ability to approach peacefully.

  She glanced to her left and her gaze met Karel’s. Terror and anger flashed through her eyes. The jaguar demanded to be let loose, to protect what was his. Liv. The shift transpired quickly, his jaguar taking control of his body and Karel letting him.

  Her eyes widened. He’d bet she’d never seen a shifter change. Bones reshaped and fur sprouted over flesh. He landed on all fours and gave a loud roar. Time to play.


  Liv glanced at Karel as his body twisted and changed from a hulking gorgeous man to a giant yellow and black spotted cat. A jaguar. Her breath thundered in her chest, no longer scared over Gerard and his roaming hands. The clothing Karel had been wearing floated around him in tatters, landing on the ground by the animal’s legs.

  The jaguar roared, the sound piercing the quiet. This area of town tended to be deserted in the middle of the night. There were only a few buildings in the area: businesses empty of inhabitants after five p.m. Her apartment complex was the only residential construction for a few blocks.

  She glanced around, worried about Karel getting into trouble trying to save her.

  “You should get out of here, Gerard,” she ordered, her gaze back at the giant jaguar prowling toward them.

  “Are you fucking crazy?” He glanced over his shoulder, the roar catching his attention. “Is that a lion?”

  Catching him off guard, she shoved him away. He fell back, landing on his ass.

  “Dumbass, it isn’t a lion. Lions are gold and have a mane,” she explained. Really, when she saw Monica next, she’d give her a piece of her mind over the stupid idea to sign up to website dating agencies. “That,” she gulped at the size of the animal and the way his eyes glittered liquid gold, “is a jaguar.”

  She’d watched enough Animal Planet and National Geographic shows to know the difference. She loved all big cats. There was a distinct terror associated with shifters, along with their animals. At the moment, she felt wonder. This was a shifter. A man and an animal. He was beautiful in his animal form, strong, big, and alpha. His canines shined and massive paws scraped the sidewalk with each step.

  “I’m calling the cops,” he shouted when he finally realized the beast was coming straight for him. His hands shook as he crammed them into his pockets, taking a lot longer than expected to pull out the phone.

  A scream lodged in her throat when the jaguar leapt in the air, landing next to her date, a giant roar sounding from him.

  Gerard dropped the phone. His arms crossed over his face in a weak attempt to protect himself. “No!”

  A woman and a man exited the bar via a side door. The woman glanced at the massive jaguar, Gerard, and Liv and shook her head.

  “Call Gerri,” she ordered the man. At Gerard, she yelled, “Don’t move. If you run, he will hurt you.” She glanced at Liv. “You his girl?”

  “What?” No, she wasn’t his girl. She barely knew the man.

  “Listen, tell the kitty to back away. Say it firmly. He’ll listen to you.”

  How could she know that? Liv bit her lip and cleared her throat. “Karel?” The jaguar turned his head to pin her with golden eyes.

  The woman shouted, “That’s good. Tell him to come to you.”

  “Are you insane?” she hissed, her muscles locking into place, unwilling to let her move.

  “He won’t hurt you. He shifted to protect you. We saw the exterior cameras in the bar’s office.”

  She licked her dry lips and nodded. “Come here,” she said softly.

  “No. With authority,” the woman ordered.

  The jaguar snapped his head around and growled at the woman. She gave Liv a “see” look.

  “Karel!” Liv managed to keep her voice from trembling. “Come here and stand by me.”

  The jaguar glanced at her. He lowered his head and took a single step toward her.

  “This is all your fault!” Gerard screeched at Liv.

  Karel’s jaguar snarled.

  “Shut up, you idiot,” said the female bar owner. “Are you not seeing we’re trying to keep you alive?”

  “What in the world is going on?” Gerri asked, showing up to the scene, her voice exhausted, coming to stand beside Liv. She had a bath towel folded over her arm.

  “We were on a date,” Gerard started.

  “Shut up!” Liv yelled.

  The jaguar turned back to Gerard, his head lowering to move closer to her pathetic date.

  “Karel!” Gerri said with authority. “I told you about this.”

  “Gerri,” Liv said, “he came to my rescue.” She pointed at Gerard on the ground. “This jerk has a hard time understanding the word no.”

  Gerri’s eyes glowed gold. She raised her brows and a feral look came over her face. “Did he hurt you? Because if he did, I won’t help him.”

  She shook her head. “No. He was just being a spineless dick.”

  Gerri stared deep into her eyes, searching. “Are you sure?”

  She bit her lip. Oh, how she wanted to kick Gerard in the balls now that he was down. “Yes. He caught me off guard.”

  Gerri turned to the bar owner and the man who’d returned outside. “Handle him.”

  Liv sucked in a breath, her stomach flipping with cartwheels. “Karel, come. He won’t touch me again.” />
  The jaguar appeared to debate for a moment, his head swinging between her and Gerard. Finally, he turned fully and closed the distance between them to stop in front of her.

  The bar owner and her assistant grabbed Gerard, lifting him with ease and taking him around the corner toward the darkened back entrance of the bar. “Come on, asshole. Don’t think we didn’t see what you did to her drink inside the bar. We have friends who want to talk to you.”

  Gerri stared between the jaguar and Liv. She rubbed a hand on the side of her temple. “Get a move on, Karel. I expect this hardheadedness from Alyx. Shift back and let’s get you upstairs before someone else sees a big ass jaguar hanging around outside a bar.” She rolled her eyes. “Like that’s a natural occurrence.”

  Liv’s eyes widened in shock, her entire body tensing with anticipation. Karel switched from giant cat to big, muscled man. Oh, shit. He was a very naked man, too. She trailed her gaze from his powerful legs to his muscular thighs.

  “Oh, my…” she gasped, curling her hands at her sides. She so wanted to reach out and touch him. That body of his was not average by any means and her fingers itched to get a single slide over his tight flesh.

  “Here,” Gerri stopped her from getting a good look at his cock by tossing the towel at him. “Let’s get you upstairs before anyone else gets a peek at your package and wants to bid for it.”

  Me! Me! Me!

  Bad, Liv. She glanced at Gerri who winked at her, and her cheeks flushed with heat. The old woman caught her staring holes into the towel.

  His arms flexed as he wrapped the towel to cover his backside along with the front.

  “Come on, Liv,” Gerri motioned. “Let’s take you home.”

  Karel didn’t say much. The intense way he stared at her was unlike any look men had given her. Excited energy coiled in her belly. She shouldn’t want to talk to him so soon after the horrible debacle with Gerard, but she did.

  * * *


  Karel took angry breaths, deeply and slowly. He had to calm the beast inside or he’d end up shoving Gerri out of the way and taking Liv then and there. He could imagine Gerri’s outburst if he did that.