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Stripe Tease Page 4

  Fucking hell. That all sounded better and better. “Cash...”

  “Sexy,” he breathed, “is pounding into your pussy and knowing you like it.”

  She gulped back the moans riding her throat. “I do. I love every second.”

  He nodded. “I know. And I’ll love every second of your pussy wrapped so tight on my dick. I’ll come hard in you.”

  She opened her mouth to speak, but he drove harder and faster into her. He pressed a thumb on her clit, flicking it back and forth at the same time he fucked her.

  Her back came off the table, and fire shot down to her pussy. A massive thunderstorm of pleasure shook her to the core.

  “Fuck!” He growled, his cock hot and deep inside her.

  She lost the ability to control her legs. They shook with the force of her orgasm. His drives slowed, until he was tense and jerking into her body, sending streams of semen into her channel.


  Cash glanced at his phone, a decision finally settling in his brain. He dialed Vanessa and waited.


  She sounded breathless. The reminder of her husky voice asking him to fuck her made him rock hard and ready to go… Only he had nowhere to go. She was at work, and he was too.

  “Hi, beautiful. Want to have dinner tonight?”

  He waited anxiously for her reply, his tiger pushing at the skin and wanting to be stroked by her.

  “I’ve got a crazy day today, so going out is really not something I’m in the mood for,” she sighed. “But why don’t you come to my place, and we can eat take-out and watch bad movies?”

  He smiled and loved that even though she was tired, she didn’t reject his idea completely.

  “I know a great place. Do you like Chinese?”

  “But of course! Dumplings, vegetable fried rice, and some orange chicken are my favorites.”

  He laughed. “You’re not picky, are you?”

  “Not really. Unless you give me some weird sauces, I’m good.”

  “Good to know. No weird sauces, I promise.” He made a mental note to call ahead and order at the best Chinese take-out place he knew. He swiveled in his chair, glancing around his office and eyeing the stack of documents waiting for him to review.

  “Great. I have to go, but I’m glad you called,” she said. “See you later.”

  “See you later, beautiful.”

  He sat there after the conversation ended with a smile on his face.




  “Come in.”

  His father entered his office with a frown. “Cash, I need to talk to you.”

  “What’s up, dad?” He asked, a lot more cheerful than he’d been earlier that morning for their staff meeting.

  “Have you gone by Charlie’s to pick up your prize yet?”

  Cash shook his head. He’d forgotten about his prize and would go at some point in the next day or two. “It’s not going to spoil if I wait, is it?”

  His dad shook his head. “No. I’m just wanting to know your thoughts on the prize.”

  He shrugged. “I’m sure I’ll like whatever it is. You did say it was specifically for me. You know the kind of things I like.”

  His dad nodded. “I really hope you like this one. I took careful consideration before deciding on it.”

  “Stop worrying, dad,” he said and stood. “I have stuff to do, but I’ll go pick it up in a day or two.”

  “Alright,” Vincent said. “Just remember I got this because I love you, son.”

  He smiled and slapped his father on the arm. “I’m going out on the floor, dad. I’ll see you later.”

  * * *

  Cash knocked on Vanessa’s door and had to stop himself from knocking again. The tiger was making his presence known. He wanted to be near his mate…not that Cash had told her about the mating thing yet. He wasn’t sure how much she knew and didn’t want to scare her.

  She opened the door wearing the sexiest pair of boxer shorts and a T-shirt that read: “I like to party, and by ‘party’ I mean read books.”

  He laughed and handed her the flowers he had in one hand while carrying the take-out in his other. “I’m guessing you like to read.”

  She nodded and grabbed the bouquet, her eyes going soft as she stared at the blooms. “I don’t like to read. I love to read.” She sniffed the tulips and sighed. “These are so beautiful.” Her gaze rose to meet his. A wide smile covered her face. “Thank you.”

  He didn’t normally feel so happy with a female saying thank you. Even his tiger purred under his skin and rolled over, loving her praise. He’d taken a chance with the tulips and was glad he had. She clearly loved them.

  “You’re welcome. They don’t compare to the brightness of your smile, but I hoped you’d like them.”

  She opened the door wider and motioned him in. “You’re such a gentleman, Mr. Tigger.”

  He followed behind her, his gaze stuck on her fine ass and her hips swaying with each step. “Did you just call me Tigger? Like the cartoon?”

  She marched straight to the kitchen and opened a cupboard to pull out a vase. “I did. He’s my favorite character from Winnie the Pooh.”

  Thank goodness he wasn’t a bear, not that being compared to a hyperactive tiger felt any better. He could only imagine the jokes if he’d been a donkey-shifter. Those guys had it rough. It was a real pain in the ass.

  “Feel free to put the food in the living room on the coffee table.” She grinned, her eyes bright with joy. Seeing that happiness in them brought a new lightness into his heart. This whole mate business was something he needed to get used to. This was the first time he and his tiger were in agreement about a female. Vanessa, with her long, dark hair, sexy lips, and killer curves had super charged his heart with the need to protect her. To love her.

  Once they spread out the food on the coffee table and started to eat, she leaned sideways on the sofa to face him. “So, what do you really do?”

  He shrugged. “Nothing fun. I work at a casino.”

  She picked up a piece of chicken with a fork and nodded. “I had a feeling. Are you a manager or something?”

  “I’m something, alright.”

  She giggled. “You said that like the job is super boring.”

  “No. I enjoy what I do. The casino has been my life for a long time. I grew up there. My parents think it’s time I mated.” He laughed. “They’re pretty vocal about it.”

  She chewed on her food and gave a small moan of enjoyment. “This is so good. I’ll have to replace my usual Chinese food spot with yours. What exactly does ‘mated’ mean?”

  “It’s when my animal and I find a single person we both agree would be the one for us.”

  He watched her intently. Interest lit in the depths of her eyes. “Like a girlfriend?”

  He shook his head. “No. More like a life partner.”

  “A wife?”

  He nodded. “A mate is for life. The only woman for us.”

  “So when you mate, do you have to go through any weird rituals?” She put her empty dish down and picked up her bottle of water.

  “I have to mark my mate. Different shifters have different ways.” He stared deep into her eyes. “For my mate, I’d ensure I marked her so everyone knows she’s taken.”

  She grinned. “Why not just buy her a ring?”

  He winked and gulped down his own water. “Marks are permanent.”

  “That’s true.” She licked her lips. “Probably a lot sexier too.”

  He imagined gripping her hips and digging his claws into them, leaving his mark on her. She would be his. It was only a matter of time.

  “What about you? What do you like to do aside from working at Charlie’s? I saw a sticker on your bumper for the local animal shelter.”

  She shrugged. “Don’t tell Charlie, but that’s where I spend most of my time when I’m not working. I love helping care for the animals that don’t have homes. I fund-raise a lot. The peopl
e running it are nice, and it’s hard for them at times. Too many abandoned animals and not enough resources.”

  His chest constricted from a flow of emotions he hadn’t expected. This woman wasn’t just beautiful on the outside. She cared about others. Animals, babies, and the elderly were the most defenseless kind in the world. He wanted to pull her into his arms and thank her for thinking about those without a voice. Shifters were particular about giving to animal charities. Knowing this about her only cemented his belief that she was perfect for him.


  Vanessa glanced at the drawings all over her desk and blew a strand of hair away from her face. She put the pencil down, leaned back, and shut her eyes. A slow smile played across her lips. Cash. She wanted to see him. They’d spent a few days going out regularly—from her place to low-key dinners and even quiet drives out in the desert. Every second spent with him made her more emotionally attached to the big, sexy, tiger.

  She sighed and glanced at the costume they’d just delivered from the dry cleaners. Her tigress dancing outfit. She gazed at the plastic covering hard before standing and starting to remove her clothes to put it on.

  A fun idea of visiting Cash at Striped grew in her mind. He’d mentioned having an office so an impromptu strip tease could make both their day a lot more fun.

  The Striped hotel was sleek and modern, with the feel of openness. It catered to shifters from what she’d learned.

  When she got to the reception area, a giant man stood there talking to some of the staff. She waited patiently until someone noticed her and asked for Cash.

  A man turned to face her, a frown marring his brow. “Who is asking for Cash?”

  She smiled and offered her hand. “Vanessa Soler.”

  The man’s eyes turned wide as he shook her offered hand. “You’re Charlie’s daughter.”

  She laughed. “Wow. My dad gets around, I see.”

  “Come, I’ll take you to Cash,” he said and guided her to an elevator. Dashes of insecurity flirted through her. He stared at her for a long moment without speaking. The elevator dinged, and they were outside a door. “Let’s go inside. I’m sure he’ll be back shortly.”

  She nodded and followed the man into what she assumed was Cash’s office. “Thank you for bringing me all this way.”

  “You’re welcome.” He continued walking until he was in the center of the room. She followed behind and placed the shopping bag she’d brought along with her on a sofa. “I’m glad to see things worked out.”

  She blinked in confusion. “What things?”

  “Your father and I play poker together often. You were my last win.”

  Her stomach revolted from words he said. Win. He’d said win. Her mind whirled from shock at first and then slowly stopped spinning to slow to a crawl. Her conversation with her father played in her head and her throat went dry. She couldn’t breathe. “You’re Vincent.”

  He smiled wide. “I am. And I am so happy you and Cash are a good fit. I’d worried his claiming you might be difficult for you.”

  She reeled back from the man as if he’d slapped her. Her gaze flew to the door that opened at that moment.

  “Vanessa, I swear I didn’t know,” Cash said, fury etched into every line of his face. “Dad, can you go? We need to talk.”

  Vincent nodded and glanced back and forth between her and Cash before walking out.

  “Vanessa,” he said, closing the distance between them so fast she didn’t get a chance to run when he grabbed her by the forearms. “You have to listen to me. I didn’t know who you were.”

  “Liar!” she screeched, trying to pull out of his hold. “I don’t believe you! You and your father are sick. Playing games with people’s lives is sick.”

  “I don’t need to lie! My father told me he won something for me at a poker game with Charlie, but he didn’t say what. Do you really think I would have just accepted a person as a prize?” he spit out the words angrily. “Look at me, Vanessa. I am not that kind of person. You know I’m not.”

  She jerked out of his hold, her anger at a level most knew to steer clear of. “Get away from me!”

  He grabbed her by the shoulders, yanking her to face him. “I will not get away from you, Vanessa. You’re mine!”

  “Like hell!” she spat. “You really think that some stupid bet means you own me?”

  She tried again to give herself some distance from his tempting body, but he held onto her hard. There was no getting away.

  “No,” he growled. “The bet doesn’t mean I own you.” He glanced down at her mouth and the light of his animal grew bright in his eyes. “You wanting to be mine does.”

  She shook her head, feeling ridiculous wearing that stupid costume in his office. “No. I don’t.”

  “Don’t fucking lie, Vanessa,” he muttered. “You’ve been mine from the moment I saw you dancing on that stage. I don’t even care that you’re a stripper!”

  “You thought I was a stripper? Why did you think I was in the parking lot alone? The bouncers walk the dancers to their cars.”

  “I don’t frequent strip clubs. And I certainly don’t hang around the parking lot. This was a first for me. You were dancing. You never said you did something else for a living.”

  True. Still, she felt a damn fool. “This whole time we’ve been seeing each other, and you thought I was going on a stage every night and taking my clothes off.”

  “So? Taking your clothes off on that stage as a job doesn’t make you less of a person. It certainly didn’t make you less in my eyes. You’re still the woman I want.”

  Fucking hell! How could he say things like that now? Not judging her if she had been a stripper was one of the sexiest, most romantic things a man could say to her. Dancers were people just like everyone else. Most men didn’t get that. Cash did. “I don’t give a shit what your father expected out of that bet, but I am not some object that can be passed down from person to person. I make my own damn choices.”

  He nodded sharply. “You’re right. You do. And your choice has been me from the moment our gazes met. Don’t even bother denying it.”

  Dammit! She had come here hoping to do something fun and sexy only to find out he’d been the one to win her in a poker game. A damn game. Her anger pushed the hurt to the side.

  “I didn’t know, Vanessa.”

  She could see the honesty in his eyes. It soothed some of the fury heating her blood. “This would never work.”

  He let her go at that point. The wave of loneliness that rushed through her robbed her of her voice.

  She eyed the bag she’d brought with her. Shame heated her cheeks. She’d thought to give in to a fantasy she’d been having lately, of him and her in his office. She’d even gone as far as getting lube and new toys to make things more fun. Stupid idiot. She should have stayed her ass at Charlie’s. At least there she wouldn’t have met Cash’s father and found out he was the one who won her.

  “Vanessa...this changes nothing.”

  She turned to the large window facing the casino from this level. She knew this was his office. She saw it in every bit of furniture. She could even smell him. His scent had assaulted her from the moment she’d walked into the space.

  “You’re wrong,” she said, not looking at him. “I’m just some girl your father got for you as a prize.”

  She didn’t hear him come up behind her, but she sensed him. He wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her back flush to his front, so tight she could feel his erection poking her ass.

  “You’re much more than a prize. You’re a beautiful, sensual woman with an amazing wit and a smile I’d love to see every morning when I wake up for the rest of my life.”


  Her body heated at his words, and her heart flipped in her chest. Things between them had been going so fast she’d worried they were making a mistake, but instinct told her they were perfect together. Her heart told her the same. The truth was that her time with Cash had been more than just fun.
She’d enjoyed every second of being near him riding around and simple things like watching a movie at her place. With everything they did, her heart opened up some more for the big tiger. Now, she couldn’t imagine not being around him.

  He brushed his lips over the curve of her neck. “Don’t make something between our fathers about us. The connection between us established before I knew about you and you about me.” He kissed his way up to her ear. “This is real. This is us.”

  Yes. He was right. This was more than a bet. This was a shocking number of emotions that her heart had decided belonged to Cash. She placed her hands flat on the desk in front of the glass, pushing her ass out and cocking her head to the side to allow him more access to her neck.

  “What do you say, beautiful?”

  “I say you better get to convincing me to change my mind,” she rasped. A slow smile spread over her lips. She couldn’t even sound like she was undecided. Her heart was too happy to give in after the frustration from earlier.

  He slid his hands up her tiger-print dress, pulling the skirt up to her ass and displaying her matching panties.

  “I love seeing you in tiger print,” he said softly. He yanked the panties down, and she kicked them off her feet, making sure to keep the heels on. This fantasy was just beginning. How many times had she already daydreamed of him bending her over and fucking her from behind? Too many to count, considering she visualized it every ten minutes. He curled his hands around her waist, undoing the knot of the wrap dress and getting it off her body in quick moves.

  She saw the reflection of her naked body on the glass facing the casino. For a second, she worried about someone looking up and seeing them. Her. Naked.

  “Don’t worry,” he said, as if reading her mind. “It’s one-way glass. I can see them, but they can’t look in.”

  Alrighty then. Back to the hot sex by the window session. “Good. I’m all for adventure, but some things I’m not interested in.”

  He licked the back of her shoulder. “These curves are for my eyes only. For my lips only. For my cock only.”